


SOMMER erbjuder otaliga alternativ för att göra din vardag enklare. Öppna porten bekvämt via radiostyrning, tända och släcka ljuset eller öppna dörren? Inga problem med SOMMER-produkter!


Residential and industrial doors

Door components and door systems you can rely on

You sell or install high-quality sectional doors for the residential or industrial markets. An essential element of the quality you deliver is the quality of the products you use. For this reason DOCO designs high-quality components and systems.


High-quality garage doors

YOURDOOR was founded to sell high-quality doors and install them with trusted partners. That is why our range consists exclusively of top-quality products that give long-lasting satisfaction.

We offer doors that not only look good, but are also easy to install and operate. 


Aluminium entrance doors

Your experts for front doors made of aluminium – Groke Türen GmbH has formed part of the SOMMER Group since 2004. These front doors are hard to beat when it comes to design, strength, security and durability. All Groke products are of a premium quality that impresses architects, planners and house owners alike. Made in Germany.

Hitta en återförsäljare nära dig

Våra specialiståterförsäljare tillhandahåller den perfekta och säkra allsidiga servicen för full kundnöjdhet.
